Wednesday 23 April 2014

Arrival at St Bees

Wednesday afternoon and we dropped our hire car at Barrow-in-Furness and boarded the train for St Bees, arriving at 1.35pm.  The weather was cloudy with drizzling rain. After all the anticipation it was great to arrive at St Bees station.  We arrived along with a couple of guys from NSW who were also starting the Coast to Coast.

St Bees station.
We dragged our luggage about 800m up to our B&B for the night, Abbey Farmhouse, close to the Priory Church (below).

Priory Church at St Bees

 with an arched doorway dating from the Norman period.

We had time in the afternoon for a walk around St Bees and headed to the beach to follow the coast to coast tradition and dip our boots in the ocean and collect a pebble to accompany us to Robin Hood's Bay.
Elaine chooses a pebble and dips her feet in the Irish Sea.

Gary does the same.
A view of St Bees

For dinner we had a delicious meal at The Manor House Hotel

Our room at Abbey Farmhouse was fantastic.  A huge room with room to spread out, two sofas and a good comfortable bed.  We had a good sleep but awoke early in keen anticipation of the start of the walk.

Abbey Farmhouse B&B.

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