Friday 25 April 2014

Day 2 Ennerdale Bridge to Rosthwaite (25.8 Km, total ascent 614m)

Day 2 Ennerdale Bridge to Rosthwaite (25.8 Km, total ascent 614m)

Today, after a tasty breakfast at Thorntrees, taking our packed lunch, we left Ennerdale Bridge and walked to Ennerdale Water, to follow a path along the southern edge of the lake.  It was cloudy and cool, but not raining.

There were nice views across the water to the fells, with their reflections in the water.  Would be even better on a fine clear day.

At first there was a nice path to use.

We soon came to the  rocky outcrop called Robin Hood's Chair with Bowness Knott across the lake.

And we had a clear view of the distant end of the lake, our first target.

We expected any easy stroll along a lakeside path, but that isn't the case.  The path soon became rocky and uncomfortable on the feet with a need to watch your footing.

As we ascended the track towards Black Sail Youth Hostel, we had views back down the valley to Ennerdale Water and Angler's Crag, with the town of Ennerdale hidden beyond.

Then Black Sail Youth Hostel appears ahead.

By lunchtime we reached Black Sail Youth Hostel, a place where you can sit and have a cup of tea or coffee.  However you cannot use the toilets as they are locked until 5pm.  So you have to hold on until you get to Honister Slate mine a few hours later.

Elaine finds the less obvious path up to Loft Beck.  There is a more obvious trail heading to the right which has led many walkers in the wrong direction, requiring mountain rescue services.   Despite this and trail being adjacent to the youth hostel, the correct path is not signposted so no doubt others will continue to make the same mistake,.  It is easy to see why people miss the correct path if they are not aware.

Then we had a steep climb up along side Loft Beck.

Looking across to Haystacks, an adjacent fell.

Another view of Haystacks with High Crag beyond.

The weather was clear enough to give us fine views down to Buttermere (the lake in the foreground) and Crummock Water in the distance. Melbreak is the fell beyond Crummock Water.

We descend down a steep disused tramway previously used by the slate mine.  The slate mine is a great spot for a break.  Toilets and a cafe as well as a shop where we picked up souvenir Coast to Coast slate coasters.

While we were at Honister Slate Mine, the rain started so it was time to put on the waterproofs and continue down the hill into Borrowdale.

Though there have been a couple of places earlier today that are well known for causing navigational difficulties, there was no signage for guidance, but now we are walking along a clear path with no alternative path to take, there is a clear sign pointing the way for the coast to coast.

A couple of Yurts in Borrowdale.

We walked through fields of cute lambs today as we entered Rosthwaite in Borrowdale.  At the Scafell Hotel for dinner Lamb Henry was on the menu.  I couldn't bring myself to order it, because I was sure I had seen Henry (or at least one of his mates) out there in the fields just a couple of hours earlier.  Tonight I went vegetarian.

A look back up towards where we have come from and we are glad we got down off the fells before the cloud rolled in.

We had dinner at the Scafell Hotel in Rosthwaite with John and Winna (from Essex) and Geoff and Karen (from Wales), two couples also doing the Coast to Coast, who we had met the day before at the B&B in Ennerdale Bridge.

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