Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 12 Reeth to Richmond (19.6 Km, total ascent 454 m)

Day 12 Reeth to Richmond (19.6 Km, total ascent 454 m)

An easier days walk and we were able to take our time, looking in shops at Reeth before departing.  At breakfast at Cambridge House Guest House we met Michael and Sarah, who are from Montana and doing the walk in 18 days with 1 rest day.  Michael is 79, good effort.

We called in to Elaine's Country Kitchen for Tea and Scones where we met up with Michael and Sarah again.  We had our packed lunch in the Whitecliffe Wood, before walking in to Richmond, where we stayed at The Old Brewery Guesthouse, Sherpa's headquarters on the Coast to Coast.

A converted church in Reeth
Gearing up for the Tour de France on 5th July

River Swale

Just outside Reeth

Greenery everywhere

View across Swaledale

One of many skinny stiles

More Grenery

Path through the woods

And the first small climb of the day up the Nuns steps.

One of the risks on the C2C walk, stay away from cows with young calves.

The path heads off across the green fields

Time for Tea and homemade Scones

At Elaine's Couhtry Kitchen we stopped for tea and scones and here met up again with Michael and Sarah.  From here on we met intermittently on the path and arrived at Richmond at the same time.

A few muddy spots to negotiate.

Another helpful sign

St Edmunds Church in Marske

Pew Boxes

The baptismal font dates from 1663

St Edmund's

Our next target is the little white cairn on the hill.

Paddy's Bridge

More fields of Green.

Wenslydale Sheep with their dreadlocks.

Another sort of sheep, looks like a Texel.

Swaledale Seep

Richmond appears in the distance.

Gary at Richmond sign with Castle in the distance

Panoramic view of Richmond


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