Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 8 Orton to Kirkby Strphen (22.3 Km, total ascent 519m)

Day 8 Orton to Kirkby Stephen (22.3 Km, total ascent 519m)

We set of from Orton at 9am and headed to see the stone circle.  Shortly afterwards we met John, Carol, Christine and Jane and we walked this leg of the route together.  It was a cloudy and windy day but no rain.  However we had a strong cold head wind most of the way.  Underfoot it was generally good walking through fields and moorland.

The route.
We leave Orton through meadows.

Sheep at the Gamelands Stone Circle just east of Orton

We leave the meadows behind and travel through moorland

A prominent mound in the moor.

Small lakes.

A green walled meadow surrounded by moor.

The wall provides some shelter from the wind, so time for morning tea.

The sheep don't seem to mind the wind.
We walk along a disused railway before heading down to Scandal Beck, over Smardale Bridge and up the other side.
A nest of trees in a sea of green.
The view of the valley with Smardale Bridge crossing Scandal Beck.
Smardale Gill Viaduct
A glimpse of the Pennines ahead
We pass under another railway line, the Settle to Carlisle Line that we will take to Skipton tomorrow.

There are a few helpful signs through a farmyard along the way.

Signpost in Kirkby Stephen showing distances in miles and furlongs.
Jolly Farmers.  Our B&B but we can't check in until 3:45pm. and it's only 3pm.  Time for a coffee and cake.

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