Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 14 Richmond to Danby Wiske (28.5 Km, total ascent 306 m)

Day 14 Richmond to Oaktree Hill (28.5 Km, total ascent 306 m)

We left Richmond and followed the route through fields and close to the military  training area with the sound of gunfire. At Colburn the public path across farmland was closed, so we were re-routed along roads to Catterick Bridge where we rejoined the usual route.  For lunch we headed north off the route about a kilometre to Scorton where we found a nice pub, The Heifer.  We stopped to see the memorial to Henry Jenkins, who died in 1670 and is said to have been 169 when he died.  We crossed the A1  and the main railway line between London and Edinburgh.  Finally we took a rest outside the White Swan in Danby Wiske for a snack before walking the last 4Km to our B&B, Lovesome Hill Farm.

Panorama of Richmond

A helpful sign 

We saw plenty of Bluebells along the route today

A pleasant walk through the woods.

Entering the Military area, from now on we hear intermittent gunfire.

Most of the day is good walking but there are a few muddy patches

New crop of Barley with walkway through the field

The route is closed at Colburn and we are diverted around to Catterick Bridge.

We walk through several fields of Barley

Crossing over the A1 near Catterick Bridge

Catterick Racecourse

Sculptures at Catterick Bridge

Another diversion on the route, follow this helpful map??

We see lots of calves today as well as lambs.

More Barley

We enjoy lunch at The Heifer Hotel, Scorton.

Old water pump at Bolton-on-Swale

St Mary's Church, Bolton-on-Swale

Memorial to Henry Jenkins, allegedly lived for 169 years

More Barley

A crumbling bridge over a stream.

We see many cows today and this one is keeping an eye on Elaine.  Notice the colour of the backpack cover…Ole...

Draft horse and little me.

Trimming the soccer pitch at Streetlam

Treehouse in Streetlam

The path is a little overgrown.

A day of lots of cows and sheep.

Elaine wasn't keen to tackle this stile, but we did.

The White Swan in Danby Wiske

We cross over the main rail line between London and Edinburgh.

The Cleveland Hills loom ahead, a challenge for another day.

We reach Lovesome Hill Farm, our B&B for the night.

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